The Paris Chronicles: Days One and Two Thomas WilliamsAugust 21, 2022Anselm, Georgetown, Paris, Tess, food, medieval philosophy, teaching, walkingComment
The Georgetown Chronicles: Days Two and Three Thomas WilliamsAugust 18, 2022DC, Daily Office, Georgetown, Tess, dogs, priesthoodComment
"Our diverse places of exile" Thomas WilliamsJuly 19, 2022Anselm, Georgetown, Sewanee, church music Comments
Sewanee Conference: Further reflections Thomas WilliamsJuly 15, 2022Anselm, church music, priesthoodComment
Sewanee Conference: Day One Thomas WilliamsJuly 12, 2022Sewanee, church music, dogs, medieval philosophyComment
Now it was the Day of Preparation Thomas WilliamsJuly 10, 2022General Convention, Georgetown, Nashville, Sewanee, USF, church musicComment
Every new beginning . . . Thomas WilliamsMay 10, 2022Anselm, DC, Edinburgh, Georgetown, Scottish art, University of South Florida, copyeditors, medieval philosophy, sabbaticalComment
Scenes from a churchy weekend Thomas WilliamsApril 4, 2022Diocese of Southwest Florida, Scottish art, episcopacy, food, teachingComment
Of dogs and discernment Thomas WilliamsMarch 18, 2022Diocese of Southwest Florida, Tess, University of South Florida, discernmentComment
Gathering up my scattered thoughts Thomas WilliamsOctober 28, 2021Diocese of Southwest Florida, Scottish art, dogs, priesthood, teachingComment
Scenes from a conference Thomas WilliamsOctober 7, 2021Duns Scotus, Scottish art, medieval philosophy, walkingComment
I could have said no, but . . . Thomas WilliamsSeptember 23, 2021Edinburgh, Scottish art, faculty searches, sabbaticalComment
"Now you are called . . . to take your share in the councils of the Church." Thomas WilliamsSeptember 16, 2021Diocese of Southwest Florida, Scottish art, episcopacy, priesthoodComment