Hebrews 3:15: A meditation
Today, Lord:
today I want to hear your voice.
Teach me how to hear it,
how to listen for it.
Not the demanding voice of deadlines
or the seductive voice of pleasures;
Not the clamoring voice of self-assertion
or the intriguing voice of what-ifs and why-nots.
No, but your voice,
light made music,
radiance captured in words
that are not quite words.
Today, Lord:
today I want to hear your voice.
Sharpen my ears to hear it;
soften my heart to receive it.
If it is a voice of judgment,
soften my heart to accept your rebuke.
If it is a voice of encouragement,
soften my heart to embrace your loving-kindness.
If it is a voice of forgiveness,
soften my heart to feel your tenderness.
If it is voice of direction,
soften my heart to submit to your will.
Today, Lord:
today I want to hear your voice.